Monday, August 19, 2013

History in the making!

   We tend to think that history is just "what happened a long time ago".  But someday, the events of today and yesterday and tomorrow will be "history"!  To see what went on in Buffalo, Johnson County, WY over this past weekend look at this:

Our local author in residence, Craig Johnson has written 9 BESTSELLERS!   A & E has shown two seasons of the program LONGMIRE based on Johnson's novels.  Many of the cast of that TV program and Craig and his wife, Judy spent the weekend here in Buffalo, WY  aka Durant, Absaroka County, Wyoming.  It was a beautiful weekend, sunny and warm, and  a good time was had by all!

The Johnson County Library opened at 1 P.M. on Sunday to host a book signing for Craig.  He has spoken here several times in the past and always draws a good crowd.  Sunday was no exception.. Over 150 people stood in line to buy books and get autographs and visit with Craig.  Later Robert Taylor aka Sheriff Longmire showed up and graciously posed for pictures and signed autographs.

The library collection boasts numerous copies of the Longmire books, and now we have the DVD of the first season of the TV program.  Our copy of the recent issue of COWBOYS AND INDIANS Aug/Sept 2013 is on display in our locked bookcase-Sorry!! -will no longer circulate-now has autographs all over the cover!!

A new chapter has been written in the history books of our area!

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