Friday, April 2, 2010


Collecting and preserving local history is a challenge and an education. There is always a researcher with a fresh request and the search "is on"! In clearing our desk and files, we came across a file we had started almost 10 years ago. so time to look at it with a new slant and see if we can't discover more information. It shows us how the Internet has exploded in that time period. Originally a GOOGLE search did not produce many "hits"-this time-so many that we will have to review as time permits.

THE MERCI TRAIN were a group of train cars filled with all sorts of materials. They were a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States, a car for each state. Wyoming's car has been refurbished and is under a protective shelter in Cheyenne, WY. A brief article in the ANNALS OF WYOMING describes its arrival in Cheyenne in mid 1949. The contents were divided and sent out to the counties. Sadly there is little documentation . The staff at our local county museum, showed me the few pieces they have on display. So we are calling the older members of our community to see if they have memories to share. Our State museum has a small traveling display which may be borrowed-so we have plans for the future. Another link to our past.

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