Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cattle War publications

The first book published on the invasion was THE BANDITTI OF THE PLAINS : OR THE CATTLEMAN'S INVASION OF WYOMING IN 1892, written by A.S. Mercer. The originals of this are rare and expensive. The University of Oklahoma Press at Norman, OK has reprinted this, first in hardcover and later in paperback editions. Later volumes published were THE WAR ON POWDER RIVER : THE HISTORY OF AN INSURRECTION by Helena Huntington Smith, THE LONGEST ROPE : THE TRUTH ABOUT THE JOHNSON COUNTY CATTLE WAR by D.F. Baber, as told by Bill Walker, and THE JOHNSON COUNTY WAR IS / AIN'T A PACK OF LIES by Jack R. Gage.

Almost all books published on the history of the West, and/or Wyoming, as well as many books on the cattle industry have a few paragraphs to a few pages covering this incident.

In 2oo4, Bill O'Neal published THE JOHNSON COUNTY WAR. This is a welcome addition, giving a fresh view to the skirmish. Mr. O'Neal visited the area in Wyoming, as well as researching the Texans involved in the "invasion".

In 1992, the Johnson County Historical Society printed 200 copies of WITH WINCHESTERS AND DETERMINED HEARTS, a bibliography of items dealing with the invasion. This was compiled by Patty Myers, who was the local history librarian at the Johnson County Library and the President of the Johnson County Historical Society. The local Society hosted members of the State Society for a 3 day weekend to mark the 100 year anniversary of that invasion. The bibliography was for sale at that event. This bibliography is in the process of being updated for the printing of a second edition.

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