Wednesday, December 18, 2013


In 1975, the local Bicentennial Committee proposed building a HERITAGE MALL across Clear Creek immediately to the east of the Main Street bridge in downtown Buffalo.  The Johnson County Cowbelles and the Woolgrowers Auxilary raised funds by  having area ranchers' brands burnt on the structure.  The cost was $20. for one brand, $50.00 for 3 brands, with each additional brand costing $10.  By January of 1976 they had raised $1,920 and they extended the deadline until the end of January, to ensure that everyone got a chance to have their brand displayed.  The estimated cost of construction was $40,000, but with volunteer labor and materials the project was completed for about one-half  that amount.  Harvey Crowe and Gale Money served as "volunteer" engineers and donations of labor and materials were received from Reeves Concrete, Buckingham Lumber, Knepper Electric, Green Construction, and Ross Construction.  The mall featured flower boxes, benches, and a display sign board in the middle.  The following inscription was on the sign.

July 4, 1976 

This Bicentennial Mall is a perpetual remembrance of the resolute pioneers who followed their inspired vision with faith, determination and divine guidance to preserve the liberties fought for and won by our colonial ancestors; to insure the permanence of the constitutional government; to build homes and establish an environment based on moral precept.

History is made not only by great men but by all men.  The parts played by some in building this community may have been small, but none was without significance.  Let us then remember, with profound appreciation the contribution of the unnamed, unknown, and unsung, without whose courage and dedication our forbears could not have laid the foundations of the life in which we, their descendants, now find our challenge and opportunity.  As we build for the future, may we be guided by the lessons of history and the precepts handed down by our forebears so that we may ever remain "one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all".

As part of the Clear Creek project the walk bridge over Clear Creek in down town Buffalo was replaced in the summer of 2013.

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