Thursday, June 21, 2012

Murals progress

Each days finds the artists hard at work.

And so it grows!

..and grows!

Monday, June 11, 2012


The Fort McKinney Chapter of the D.A.R.  was established the 26th day of October 1923 with 17 charter members.  The chapter closed in early 1943.  At one time there were 58 members.  Members did historical interviews and research and presented progams at their meetings.  The transcipts of those presentations are avaialble in the local history files at the Johnson County Library.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


 The information center on the east edge of town has installed sculptures at their facility by two  local artists.

D. Michael Thomas

Wm. Hugh Jennings


Work is progressing at Crazy Woman Square in downtown Buffalo.  History is being made as we watch.  The equipment moved in and began prep work for the buildings to come.  Meanwhile the artists are busy working on the mural.